Company: ACUSHLA
Country: Portugal
Phone Nr: +351 912989812
Extra virgin olive oil manufacturer.
ACUSHLA is an Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil (EVOO) from the Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) Trás-os-Montes, Portugal, with a low acidity, which excels in quality and design, proven by numerous international awards ( We control the whole ACUSHLA process, from organic farming through processing and packaging, to marketing.
Extracted from a variety of native olive trees from Trás-os-Montes – Cobrançosa, Madural, Verdeal and Cordovil –, Acushla is considered a balanced olive oil, medium fruity with a slightly bitter and peppery finish. It presents a yellowish green colour.
Beyond the excellent texture and flavour, Acushla is recommendable from a nutritional point of view, and reveals in all its production stages a distinctive environmental concern. It is ideal to taste raw for dipping bread or drizzling over salads, as well as for finishing dishes and also as a healthy ingredient for cooking almost any dish.
Presently, ACUSHLA is the only Portuguese EVOO producer being a member of Extra Virgin Alliance (EVA), a non-profit trade association representing worldwide producers of genuine extra virgin olive oil (